Natural Antibiotics 101
There are many herbs that have very powerful antibiotic properties that Kill Bacteria and Viral infections naturally and safely without toxins. Yes this mean no opportunity for addiction. Many herbs...
View ArticleHow To Make A Pine Knot Torch For Emergency Light
For thousands of years prior to the invention of electricity and the kerosene lantern, pine knot torches were used to illuminate the darkness of night. Though candles and oil lamps were the preferred...
View ArticleDIY TicTac Boxes for Camping / Bug Out Bag Spices
This is a great idea for camping or just to add flavor to your emergency food. These are lightweight and will not take up a lot of room in your pack! Easy to make and store too. The great thing about...
View ArticleHow To Battle Pests And Insects Naturally With Hot Pepper and Garlic Spray
Do you ever suffer with pests and insects around your house or on your lovely vegetable? If you do and you don’t want to use chemicals. There are loads of natural insecticides and ways to stop pests...
View ArticleHow To Fix Clay or Sandy Soils
How many times have you heard someone say, “You have no idea what it’s like to try and grow food here in ____! We’ve got terrible soil!” The thing is – those folks are usually right. Very few of us...
View ArticleKnow Your Berries: Edible and Non-Edible Berries
Should you ever find yourself stranded in the wilderness and are looking for food, it’s important to already have a working knowledge of what you can and cannot consume. The bottom line with...
View ArticleDIY 50hr Survival Candles
If SHTF candles will be one of the best things you could have stocked up on. Candles are cheap but do not last that long. This homemade recipe makes as many candles as you want and if used in the...
View ArticleSurvival Basics: How to Build a Fire in a Rocket Stove
There comes a time when every prepper will say enough with all of the food and enough with all of the gear. Preparing a survival pantry, first aid kit and bug-out-bag are all important tasks but at...
View Article39 Fantastic 10 Minute Prepping Tips
People often ask where my ideas and where my knowledge comes from. When that happens, I chuckle a bit to myself because just like the person asking, my knowledge comes from a variety of sources:...
View ArticleHow to Install Raised Garden Beds
If you’ve been intending to become a gardener but aren’t quite sure yet how to get started, this how-to guide is for you. It chronicles the steps that I successfully followed to put in my own garden...
View Article15 Awesome Uses for Mint
Mint is a true botanical wonder, it is so easy to care for, and its pleasing aroma makes it a welcome addition to the garden or home window sill . The best part about this easy-to-grow herb is its...
View ArticleOff The Grid Recipe: Hmong Squirrel Stew
If SHTF squirrels could be your food of choice, this soup is easy to make and you can always substitute stuff you don’t have with stuff you can find in your stockpile or wild edibles. I personally...
View ArticleLighting Options for When the Power Goes Out
Since the dawn of time, man has been looking for new ways to shed light into the darkness. Light dispels our fears, helps us search for things and gives us better visibility for certain tasks. If you...
View ArticleHow To Can Rabbit, Chicken & Small Game
Modest food independence and sensible food storage are goals that many families strive to achieve. Raising a part of your own food is not complicated and a good amount of food can be produced...
View ArticleHand Tools vs. Power Tools in a SHTF Situation
Having spent time (8 years) teaching woodworking, drafting, metal work, and leatherwork; I thought that I might have some advice on what tools one might gather in the event of the SHTF. Perhaps the...
View ArticleChoosing The Right Bug Out Backpack
You’re going to buy and try many before you find that perfect pack, and even then it may not be perfect for all circumstances. How big of a backpack can you carry? Are you a large person, a petite...
View ArticleSix Ways To Save A Dying Garden
For me this year, growing has been hard. The sun has been pounding down on them and the lack of rain and watering ban has severely affected my crop. Some people are said to have a green thumb, all of...
View ArticleTop 5 Post SHTF Livestock For Preppers
I live in a city so owning livestock can be difficult, but have you ever thought about this… Are you concerned about how you’ll raise food for your family after a social and economic collapse? Has it...
View ArticleHow You Can Find And Make Remedies From Wild Plants
Summer is a great time to gather wild plants to eat and store for winter health. Gathering can be a terrific family activity as well. Raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and blackberry are abundant in...
View ArticleThe Ultimate Guide To Re-Using Grey Water
Many people often wonder what grey water is exactly, and simply put, it’s all that water that drains out from your washing machine, showers, bathtubs, and more—any used water that does not contain...
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